Sunday, March 25, 2012

Response to the pitch

I thought the pitch was successful. I think that from using a timetable of dates to keep on track with both filming editing and group discussions we managed to keep on task unless unforeseen things such as a change in actor availability changes. From creating the animatic, i found that it will help us in the long run as it gives a good overview of what the final product may look like. I was very happy with the song and artist choice as I thought it gave us a good margin and genre to work with as the meanings behind the lyrics can be twisted and changed during the narrative and performances. Overall I am happy about the outcome of the final piece considering the troubles that were had during editing with problems such as outfits of actors, as like Mahida has said we thought that Hannah was dressed too casually for the home scene, however I think we worked round it well. I felt that we have also picked very good actors in general for our piece as they knew what they were doing and worked to a very high standard and sacrificed a lot of time for us.

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