Saturday, March 10, 2012

My response to the pitch.

At first we started off with an unclear idea of what we were exactly planning on doing however once we constructed the storyboard everything made more sense. Throughout filming we decided to cut some bits out but from the start I was happy with what we were doing. I really liked the concept of the girl (Caroline) finding out that the boy (Leo) cheated on her with Martha. I thought that our locations were very good and captured the emotions of the story very well. The only one thing I was unsure about was the costume of Caroline. In the scene that she is doing, she is wearing tracksuit bottoms with a cardigan. The cardigan was a good idea, however, I was not sure about the tracksuit bottoms. But once we started editing, we realised that you couldn't really tell and we also realised that even if you can tell, it doesn't look bad because of the location (inside a house).
Overall I am very happy with our pitch.

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