Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Response to the Pitch

I was very happy with our song choice, i liked the artist and i wasn't prepared to produce a video for a upbeat song. However i wasn't really happy with out storyboard. I liked the narrative and the basic ideas of the band etc, but we didn't actually decide what order things would go in and how it would be put together which i felt really worried about as it is really important. I think our locations were perfectly picked, and our actors were perfect for the part. I agree with what Mahida had said about the costume for the girl. I think this happened because of the last minute choice to film as we weren't sure who we were actually going to use for the role of Caroline. I think we have don really well seeing as we weren't actually that organised and that we didn't have time. But i'm really happy with the outcome, i think the editing has made such a different seeing as we didn't have a lot of footage to work with.

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