Friday, March 30, 2012

Evaulation On Performance

I believe that our music production had gone well. We have achieved a lot as a group for the last few months and we should all be proud of ourselves. Working with Ishma, Mahida and Joe was a great experience and I think we produced a good music video production.
We believe we could have done much better such as using more band members and probably a different song so that the timing and lip synching would all work together.Other than that, I believe we should all be pleased with the outcome and wish for the the best.


Twitter Page For Leo Blue

This was created in order to increase the mass audience and fan base for Leo Blue. I believe that this will be a big success in him coming up and it would help spread information about him. This also allows the fans to interact with him by social websites and find information about his day to day plans etc.

Logo Fonts

These are our logo fonts

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Poster To See Leo Blue

This poster to is to advertise our artist ( Leo Blue) to the audience and to 
persuade the primary target audience to come with the free entry pass. This will allow the artist 
to be well known and start his journey in becoming famous and well know. I believe the 'Free Entry' is a good marketing technique in order to have more audience to come who can then spread the word about the artist and get to search him up. This would increase awareness of the artist and could be a selling point to get the consumers to invest in the album.

The location we have chosen is a well known location , being a school, we will be putting posters up around the school in way to get the message around. This makes it another marketing technique as it is a popular area to gather audience to attend and the more individuals attend the more the awareness of the artist being spread around.

I have used the original font at the top in bold to make it eye catching for the consumers attention to be focused on the poster. I have used a white font as it contrasts with background and makes the text come out more. 

I have also used the image of the artist so the audience can see the artist that they would be willing to go and watch him perform live. I believe that we have related our poster to others as it not different from others, specially posters from our genre. Using the star image to be the face of the poster has been seen done by many artist such as; ( Paolo Nutini, James Morrison, James Blunt etc.).

I believe that the poster is very unique, interesting and attention seeking and would be a great way to pitch our artist to the general public .

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


As we have finally finished, if you would like to leave some feedback on our video, please feel free to comment below :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Website for Leo Blue

We have made a website for our artist using, this website contains useful information such as how to contact via facebook and twitter. It also has a personal bio about Leo as well as a gallery of previous performances. The link below will forward you to Leo's site

Click here